Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2023 - đề số 4

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Câu 1:

Câu 2:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Câu 3:

Câu 4:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in the each of following questions.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu 8: _______ here for hours and I feel tired.

Câu 14: Where’s that _______ dress that your boyfriend gave you?

Câu 16: Not only _______ the exam but she also got a scholarship.

Câu 18: I have gone to the doctor’s to have a checkup. - You _______. You just had your check-up last week!

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Câu 20: Betty: “_______” - Jack: “Thanks. I will write to you when I come to London.”

Câu 21: Lisa: “Have you been able to reach Peter?” - Gina: “_______”

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Câu 22: A living cell is a marvel of detailed and complex structure.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Câu 26: I should have finished my work last night but I was exhausted.

Câu 27: “I will pay back the money, Gloria.” said Ivan.

Câu 28: The journey will be about nine hours, whichever route you take.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Câu 29: He is very intelligent. He can solve all the problems in no time.

Câu 30: The leader failed to explain the cause of the problem. He did not offer any solutions.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.

Higher education also provides a competitive edge in the career market. We all know that in the economic times we are living in today, finding jobs is not guaranteed. The number of people unemployed is still relatively high, and the number of new career (31) _______ isn’t nearly enough to put people in jobs they are seeking.

As a job seeker, you’re competing with a high number of experienced workers (32) _______ have been out of the workforce for a while and are also seeking work. (33) _______, when you have a higher education, it generally equips you for better job security. Generally speaking, employers tend to value those who have completed college than those who have only completed high school and are more likely to replace that person who hasn’t (34) _______ a higher education. Furthermore, some companies even go so far as to pay your tuition because they consider an educated (35) _______ to be valuable to their organization. A college education is an investment that doesn’t just provide you with substantial rewards. It benefits the hiring company as well.

Câu 31:

Câu 32:

Câu 33:

Câu 34:

Câu 35:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

You can usually tell when your friends are happy or angry by the looks on their faces or by their actions. This is useful because reading their emotional expressions helps you to know how to respond to them. Emotions have evolved to help us respond to important situations and to convey our intentions to others. But does raising the eyebrows and rounding the mouth say the same thing in Minneapolis as it does in Madagascar? Much research on emotional expressions has centered on such questions.

According to Paul Ekman, the leading researcher in this area, people speak and understand substantially the same "facial language". Studies by Ekman's group have demonstrated that humans share a set of universal emotional expressions that testify to the common biological heritage of the human species. Smiles, for example, signal happiness and frowns indicate sadness on the faces of people in such far- flung places as Argentina, Japan, Spain, Hungary, Poland , Sumatra ,the United States, Vietnam, the jungles of New Guinea , and the Eskimo villages north of Artic Circle. Ekman and his colleagues claim that people everywhere can recognize at least seven basic emotions: sadness, fear, anger, disgust, contempt, happiness, and surprise. There are, however, huge differences across cultures in both the context and intensity of emotional displays - the so called display rules. In many Asian cultures, for example, children are taught to control emotional responses - especially negative ones- while many American children are encouraged to express their feelings more openly. Regardless of culture, however, emotions usually show themselves, to some degree, in people's behavior. From their first days of life, babies produce facial expressions that communicate their feelings.

The ability to read facial expressions develops early, too. Very young children pay close attention to facial expressions, and by age five, they nearly equal adults in their skill at reading emotions on people's faces. This evidence all points to a biological underpinning for our abilities to express and interpret a basic set of human emotions. Moreover, as Charles Darwin pointed out over a century ago, some emotional expressions seem to appear across species boundaries. Cross - cultural psychologists tell us that certain emotional responses carry different meanings in different cultures. For example, what emotion do you suppose might be conveyed by sticking out your tongue? For Americans, this might indicate disgust, while in China it can signify surprise. Likewise, a grin on an American face may indicate joy, while on a Japanese face it may just as easily mean embarrassment. Clearly, culture influences emotional expressions.

Câu 36: The word “evolved” is closest in meaning to _______.

Câu 37: Many studies on emotional expressions try to answer the question whether _______.

Câu 38: Unlike American children, Asian children are encouraged to _______.

Câu 39: The biggest difference lies in _______.

Câu 40: According to the passage, we respond to others by _______.

Câu 41: Young children _______.

Câu 42: The best title for the passage is _______.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.

Advertising helps people recognize a particular brand, persuades them to try it, and tries to keep them loyal to it. Brand loyalty is perhaps the most important goal of consumer advertising. Whether they produce cars, canned foods or cosmetics, manufacturers want their customers to make repeated purchases. The quality of the product will encourage this, of course, but so, too, will affect advertising.

Advertising relies on the techniques of market research to identify potential users of a product. Are they homemakers or professional people? Are they young or old? Are they city dwellers or country dwellers? Such questions have a bearing on where and when ads should be placed. By studying readership breakdowns for newspapers and magazines as well as television ratings and other statistics, an advertising agency can decide on the best way of reaching potential buyers. Detailed research and marketing expertise are essential today when advertising budgets can run into thousands of millions of dollars.

Advertising is a fast-paced, high-pressure industry. There is a constant need for creative ideas that will establish a personality for a product in the public's mind. Current developments in advertising increase the need for talented workers.

In the past, the majority of advertising was aimed at the traditional white family - breadwinner father, non- working mother, and two children. Research now reveals that only about 6 percent of American households fit this stereotype. Instead, society is fragmented into many groups, with working mothers, single people and older people on the rise. To be most successful, advertising must identify a particular segment and aim its message toward that group.

Advertising is also making use of new technologies. Computer graphics are used to grab the attention of consumers and to help them see products in a new light. The use of computer graphics in a commercial for canned goods, for instance, gave a new image to the tin can.

Câu 43: What does the passage mainly discuss?

Câu 44: The word "this" in bold type in paragraph 1 refers to______.

Câu 45: It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that advertisers must______.

Câu 46: According to paragraph 2, market research includes______.

Câu 47: The author implies that the advertising industry requires______.

Câu 48: According to the passage, most advertising used to be directed at______.

Câu 49: The phrase "in a new light" in bold type in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ______.