Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2023 - đề số 22

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu 3: Ellen: "_________________?" - Tom: "He's tall and thin with blue eyes."

Câu 7: Can you take _____ of the shop while Mr. Bontall is away?

Câu 12: ___ her tears, she waved goodbye to her family from the station platform.

Câu 13: A: I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s. B:“__________.”

Câu 14: It is essential that Alice ____ Tom of the meeting tomorrow.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined sound that is pronounced differently from the rest or the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress:

Câu 21:

Câu 22:

Câu 23:

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the best option for each of the blanks.

Why do people like to chew gum? Some people say they like the taste. ____24___ say they can think better if they chew gum. Some people chew it when they have some boring work to do.Others chew gum when they are nervous.

Gum is a ___25___ of things. For many years gum companies made gum from chicle. Chicle is a natural gum from a tree in Mexico and Central America. Now companies use plastic and rubber made from petroleum instead of chicle.

Gum must be soft ___26___ you can chew it. A softener keeps it soft. The gum company makes the softener from vegetable oil. A sweetener makes the gum sweet. The sweetener is usually sugar. Then the company adds the flavor.

Thomas Adams made the first gum from chicle in 1836. ___27___, chewing gum was not new. The Greeks chewed gum from a tree over 2,000 years ago. Mayan Indians in Mexico chewed chicle. Indians in the Northeastern United States taught Europeans to chew gum from a tree there. People first made bubble gum in 1928. Children like to___28___ bubble with bubble gum. Some university students do too.

Câu 24:

Câu 25:

Câu 26:

Câu 27:

Câu 28:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions:

Câu 30: When I mentioned the party, he was all ears.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions from 31 to 35:

A survey is a study, generally in the form of an interview or a questionnaire, which provides information concerning how people think and act. In the United States, the best-known surveys are the Gallup poll and the Harris poll. As anyone who watches the news during presidential campaigns knows, these polls have become an important part of political life in the United States.

North Americans are familiar with the many "person on the street" interviews on local television news shows. While such interviews can be highly entertaining, they are not necessarily an accurate indication of public opinion. First, they reflect the opinions of only those people who appear at a certain location. Thus, such samples can be biased in favor of commuters, middle-class shoppers, or factory workers, depending on which area the new people select. Second, television interviews tend to attract outgoing people who are willing to appear on the air, while they frighten away others who may feel intimidated by a camera. A survey must be based on a precise, representative sampling if it is to genuinely reflect a broad range of the population.

In preparing to conduct a survey, sociologists must exercise great care in the wording of questions. An effective survey question must be simple and clear enough for people to understand it. It must also be specific enough so that there are no problems in interpreting the results. Even questions that are less structured must be carefully phrased in order to elicit the type of information desired. Surveys can be indispensable sources of information, but only if the sampling is done properly and the questions are worded accurately.

There are two main forms of surveys: the interview and the questionnaire. Each of these forms of survey research has its advantages. An interviewer can obtain a high response rate because people find it more difficult to turn down a personal request for an interview than to throw away a written questionnaire.

In addition, an interviewer can go beyond written questions and probe for a subject's underlying feelings and reasons. However, questionnaires have the advantage of being cheaper and more consistent.

Câu 31: According to the passage, one advantage of live interviews over questionnaires is that live interviews _____.

Câu 32: The word "they" refers to ______.

Câu 33: Which word is given definition in the text?

Câu 34: According to paragraph 3, which of the following is most important for an effective survey?

Câu 35: What does the passage mainly discuss?

Choose the sentence that is similar in meaning to the given one:

Câu 36: Both of the lifts were out of order.

Câu 37: The crowd became increasingly angry at the long delay.

Câu 38: Madeleine wears high heels to look taller.

Câu 39: That T.V is badly damaged. It cannot be repaired.

Câu 40: We cut down many forests. The earth becomes hot.

Câu 41: Mike graduated with a good degree. However, he joined the ranks of the unemployed.

Câu 42: Put your coat on. You will get cold.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 43 to 50.

Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country’s impressive population growth. For every three Canadians in 1945, there were over five in 1966. In September 1966 Canada’s population passed the 20 million mark. Most of this surging growth came from natural increase. The depression of the 1930s and the war had held back marriages, and the catching-up process began after 1945. The baby boom continued through the decade of the 1950s, producing a population increase of nearly fifteen percent in the five years from 1951 to 1956. This rate of increase had been exceeded only once before in Canada’s history, in the decade before 1911, when the prairies were being settled. Undoubtedly, the good economic conditions of the 1950s supported a growth in the population, but the expansion also derived from a trend toward earlier marriages and an increase in the average size of families. In 1957 the Canadian birth rate stood at 28 per thousand, one of the highest in the world.

After the peak year of 1957, the birth rate in Canada began to decline. It continued falling until in 1966 it stood at the lowest level in 25 years. Partly this decline reflected the low level of births during the depression and the war, but it was also caused by changes in Canadian society. Young people were staying at school longer, more women were working; young married couples were buying automobiles or houses before starting families; rising living standards were cutting down the size of families. It appeared that Canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller families that had occurred all through the Western world since the time of the Industrial Revolution.

Although the growth in Canada’s population had slowed down by 1966 (the increase in the first half of the 1960s was only nine percent), another large population wave was coming over the horizon. It would be composed of the children who were born during the period of the high birth rate prior to 1957.

Câu 43: What does the passage mainly discuss?

Câu 44: The word “five” in bold refers to

Câu 46: The author suggests that in Canada during the 1950’s

Câu 48: The author mention all of the following as causes of declines in population growth after 1957 EXCEPT:

Câu 49: It can be inferred from the passage that before the Industrial Revolution

Câu 50: The word “it” in bold refers to